I’d like to take this time to talk about something my mother has asked me about numerous times, but her Catholic upbringing is incapable of understanding. I’m sure there are many more who see it her way.
She has asked me how God knows everything needed by every person in the entire world. She can’t seem to grasp the concept that God isn’t a separate entity outside of her, but God lives inside her soul. God lives inside everything.
Our religious teaching portrayed God as someone in heaven, which was a place outside of us, sitting in judgment of everything we did. Regrettably, most people see it the same way. This is also the reason so many people subconsciously feel guilty and unworthy.
God loves us and never, ever judges us for we are the manifestation of that love in our cycle of growth.
If people saw God as living inside each of us and everything else because God is a part of us, we wouldn’t choose to treat others as we do. That’s the reason Jesus said, “Whatsoever you do unto the least of these, my brethren, you do onto me.” He had become one with the Christ Spirit and the Christ Spirit is the God part that lives inside everything.
In order for us to see it this way, we have to first start loving ourselves and forgiving ourselves so we will be treating the God part inside us with love, then we’ll be able to love everything else. With me, this is still a work in progress. There are many things I understand in the higher mind, but past input into the subconscious mind is habitually trying to take me in another direction. The subconscious is where the conversion and awakening must slowly take place.

I think we are not responsible for what anyone else does. We are only accountable for how we act/react to what happens in our life. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves.
When we recognize the "wrong" we or others have done, we judge. We have been asked not to judge because rarely, if ever, are we aware of the entire picture and our judgments are for the benefit of the ego, not our spirit selves.
We are expected to make mistakes and wrong choices in life. What counts is the intent behind our actions, not the actions. Since no one can tell what my intent was, it requires a judgment be made. This, again, only satisfies the ego.
If we allow others to make mistakes by not judging and don't judge ourself we are well on our way to awakening to truth.
We should always try to remember we are children of God and always loved.

What do you think?

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